The world is changing. As fewer and fewer places allow public smoking, the popularity of private cigar lounges has grown. Designing these unique rooms ideal for sipping a quarter-century-old scotch or a fine aged cognac while smoking a perfectly rolled cigar have become a staple of our business.
Warm leather armchairs, exotic wood, mica and copper lighting have all the touches of an old Gentlemen's club, we’ll create a Gilded Age masterpiece that woos your friends to relax and let the stress of the everyday wash away. All you’ll need is the smoking jacket.
A critical final element to any cigar lounge is the need for a furniture quality humidor lined with Spanish cedar to protect and properly age your collection of fine cigars. With state of the art electronic smoke elimination, this vestibule will provide sanctuary to the robust and flavorful anthology you prize. "Share with us in one of life's burning pleasures!"
Our motto in this division has always been:
The Key to Life is to Enjoy all things in Moderation.